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來源:湖北成人高考網(wǎng) 整編:湖北自考網(wǎng) 時間:2020-10-10 瀏覽:0




 I went there in 1924; no local planes in those days, so I made the trip by bus. It was a thousand kilometers, and it 1 twenty hours. I sat by a fellow about my own age, 24. He said his name was Karl Packey, 2 he told me 3 anything else.

  He 4 me because he had so little to say. No opinions, no memories, no tales to 5 . Had his home, his life, the war and so on left no mark at all 6 him? It was very 7 . I was 8 when the pillows were given 9 , and I could politely try to sleep. I hoped I would never meet him again. The next time I went to Fairburn was in 1974. By 10 , of course. The president was going to “open” the new town, 11 had taken twenty-six years to be 12 . I sat next to a man of about fifty, whose face was a 13 . I guessed he had something 14 to tell me.

  The face was rough, brown and 15 with age and worry. There were two old scars (傷痕) in his face. But 16 them, I saw 17 and power. I guessed he was the boss of 18 . Perhaps he hadn‘t expected the big job and hadn’t wanted it.

  He had done it well, no doubt. The thing had clearly 19 him the power of decision. We started to talk…。 The next two hours were for me the most interesting, adventurous, even exciting that I remember. He kept me silent, 20 with wonder. Our plane 21 Fairburn. I 22 his hand and thanked him for making the journey so 23 . I told him my name. “The pleasure was 24 ,” he said, “I was Chief Engineer here at Fairburn until last year. I built the new town. Karl Packer is the name. Haven‘t we met before 25 ?”

  1. A. took      B. spent       C. lost       D. had

  2. A. but       B. still       C. yet        D. however

  3. A. hardly     B. almost       C. nearly      D. mostly

  4. A. disappointed B. pleased      C. excited      D. worried

  5. A. say       B. speak       C. tell       D. talk

  6. A. in       B. with        C. for        D. on

  7. A. puzzling    B. interesting    C. exciting     D. wondering

  8. A. glad      B. sorry       C. sad        D. angry

  9. A. in       B. up         C. out        D. with

  10. A. bus       B. land        C. air        D. sea

  11. A. it       B. that        C. which       D. this

  12. A. built      B. made        C. set        D. founded

  13. A. book      B. mirror       C. picture      D. window

  14. A. good      B. bad        C. wrong       D. old

  15. A. cleaned     B. washed       C. lined       D. broken

  16. A. on       B. above       C. over       D. in

  17. A. success     B. sadness      C. fear       D. failure

  18. A. something    B. anything      C. nothing      D. everything

  19. A. taught     B. offered      C. gave       D. showed

  20. A. open-mouth   B. opened-mouth   C. open-mouthed  D. opening-mouth

  21. A. landed at    B. landed in     C. landed to     D. landed

  22. A. hit       B. shook       C. seized      D. caught

  23. A. pleasant    B. pleasure      C. pleased      D. pleasing

  24. A. my       B. mine        C. me        D. I

  25. A. somewhere    B. anywhere      C. nowhere      D. everywhere

  KEY: 1-5 A A A A C 6-10 D A A C C   11-15 C A A B C   16-20 C A A A C 21-25 A B A B A



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