2015年湖北成考專升本英語同義詞辨析:ability capacity
湖北2015年成考專升本英語同義詞辨析:ability capacity
ability capacity faculty talent skill competence aptitude
These nouns denote the qualities in a person that permit or facilitate achievement or accomplishment.
Ability is the power,mental or physical,to do something:
Ability 是指智力或體力上具有做某事的能力:
“To make a fortune some assistance from fate is essential. Ability alone is insufficient” (Ihara Saikaku)。
Capacity refers to an innate potential for growth,development,or accomplishment:
Capacity 指天賦的,如生長、發(fā)展或成功的潛力:
“Not by age but by capacity is wisdom acquired” (Plautus)。
Faculty denotes an inherent power or ability:
Faculty 指內(nèi)在的力量或能力:
An unerring faculty for detecting hypocrisy is one of her most useful attributes.
Talent emphasizes inborn ability,especially in the arts:
Talent 強調(diào)天生的才能,尤其是在藝術(shù)方面:
“There is no substitute for talent. Industry and all the virtues are of no avail” (Aldous Huxley)。
Skill stresses ability that is acquired or developed through experience:
Skill 強調(diào)由經(jīng)驗而獲得或發(fā)展的能力:
“The intellect,character and skill possessed by any man are the product of certain original tendencies and the training which they have received” (Edward L. Thorndike)。
Competence suggests the ability to do something satisfactorily but not necessarily outstandingly well:
Competence 指能做到使人滿意但并不一定特別出眾的能力:
The concerto was performed by a violinist of unquestioned competence but limited imagination.
Aptitude implies inherent capacity for learning,understanding,or performing:
Aptitude 暗指內(nèi)在的學習、理解和表演的才能:
Even as a child he showed an unusual aptitude for mathematics.
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