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湖北自考網 來源: 時間:2012-02-07 15:26:17


1. ______under a microscope, a fresh snowflake has a delicate six-pointed shape.
A.  Seen B.  Sees 
C.  Seeing D.  To see
2. It has been ______ for him by his family to marry a girl of his own class.
A.  arranged B.  organized 
C.  settled D.  adapted
3. Flight nineteen from New York to Washington is now arriving at ______ .
A.  the two gate B.  gate two 
C.  the gate two D.  second gate
4. I’d rather listen to ______ than watch ______ .
A.  radio television B.  a radio a television
C.  radio the television D.  the radio television
5. All ______ agreed to repeat the experiment.
A.  the present people B.  the people to be present
C.  the people present D.  the people having been present
6. There are ______ opportunities for employment in the rural area.
A.  less B.  little  
C.  small D.  fewer
7. He doesn’t dare to leave the house in case he ______ .
A.  is recognized B.  will be recognized
C.  will recognize D.  has been recognized
8. George ______ in this school for forty years by the time he retires.
A.  will teach B.  will have taught
C.  has taught D.  will be teaching
9. Weather ______ , we’ll go sightseeing.
A.  permitted B.  is permitted  
C.  permitting D.  is permitting
10. No one ______ to me like that again.
A.  dare to speak B.  dare speak
C.  dares speak D.  dares speaking
11. We ______ tennis in the park when you phoned.
A.  must have been playing  B.  must be playing
C.  must play  D.  must have played
12. Let us have something iced to drink, ______ ?
A.  will we  B.  shall we 
C.  do we  D.  don’t we
13. Teachers all ______ the student to enter the competition.
A.  cheered  B.  animated  
C.  encouraged  D.  heartened
14. How I wish to ______ in your sufferings.
A.  enter  B.  contribute  
C.  participate  D.  provide
15. You should sign a contract to make your job situation ______ .
A.  normal  B.  common  
C.  regular  D.  usual
16. A poor memory ______ her efforts to become an actress.
A.  encouraged  B.  accomplished  
C.  frustrated  D.  develop
17. Either the shirt or the sweater ______ suitable for this season.
A.  is  B.  are  
C.  have been  D.  has
18. All you need to do ______ the form.
A.  fill in  B.  fills in  
C.  are to fill in  D.  is to fill in
19. She decided not to ______ her husband’s name when she got married.
A.  adore  B.  adopt  
C.  admire  D.  admit
20. I am thinking of ______ a close relationship with my competitors.
A.  performing  B.  settling  
C.  organizing  D.  establishing

Several regions in the world are subject   21   storms which are so severe that they
  22   damage on a tremendous scale. The regions are all located on the edges of great oceans. The   23   term for such severe storms is ‘cyclone’. The term ‘hurricane’ is   24   for storms that occur in the North Atlantic Ocean.

Cyclones(龍卷風) and hurricanes(颶風) differ in one curious   25   : in a cyclone, the wind circulates in a clockwise direction; in a hurricane, the wind direction is counter-clockwise.
  26   cyclones and hurricanes have one ominous similarity.   27   the damage they cause on land and at sea, they are identical.

Australia undergoes a number of cyclones every year along its northern coast, which faces Indonesia. The cyclones   28   mainly in December and January, the summer months in the southern hemisphere.
Usually the Australian cyclones don’t cause great damage because Australia’s northern territory has vast empty regions that are virtually   29   .There are few coastal cities. When a cyclone   30   move inland from the sea, it usually blows itself out without striking any inhabited area.
21. A.  to B.  for C.  of D.  on
22. A.  make  B.  cause  C.  happen  D.  suffer
23. A.  full  B.  common  C.  ordinary  D.  general
24. A.  made  B.  called  C.  meant  D.  defined
25. A.  way  B.  manner  C.  angle  D.  feature
26. A.  However  B.  And  C.  But  D.  Then
27. A.  In that  B.  In terms of  C.  Except for  D.  Along with
28. A.  occur  B.  rise  C.  raise  D.  foster
29. A.  populated  B.  deserted  C.  unpopulated  D.  undeserved
30. A.  could  B.  does  C.  would  D.  should

Passage 1

Personal interviewing (面試) is most effective when all the people to be interviewed are located in a relatively small geographical area. Otherwise, the time and expense spent in traveling from one person to another makes this type of interviewing economically impractical. Personal interviewing is usually used when the information needed is too complex to be gathered by another technique. For example, a problem being studied may require the interviewer to probe beyond the more superficial answers that might be obtained with another method.
It is sometimes assumed that personal interviewing is the most accurate of all survey research techniques. Although personal interviewing may be accurate in many cases, human errors may prevent a researcher from obtaining valid results. Questions perceived by the interviewee (應試者) as an invasion of privacy or threatening in any way will probably produce false or partially true answers. Also, since the interviewer (面試者) must interpret the respondent’s statements, a certain amount of information loss results even though the respondent may be answering truthfully.

In spite of the problems, at least two major advantages are provided by this research technique. First, the alert interviewer can generally tell if the respondent is being truthful or if he or she is giving superficial or untrue responses. Second, the interviewer can rephrase questions



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