國家工信部網(wǎng)站備案實名:湖北自考網(wǎng) 為考生提供湖北自考信息服務,僅供學習交流使用,官方信息以湖北教育考試院為準。
湖北自考在線 湖北學位英語培訓班 湖北成人高考報名 湖北自考視頻免費領取


湖北自考網(wǎng) 來源: 時間:2010-08-23 00:00:00


1.If you are interested, we will be pleased to send you a sample ___________ charge.
A. with        B. without
C. free        D. free of
2.We shall appreciate ___________ us CIF Melbourne.
A. you quote       B. you to quote
C. your quoting      D. to you quoting
3.Please be assured that your future orders will be satisfactorily ___________. 
A. exercised       B. made
C. done        D. executed
4.If you are prepared to increase your ___________ to 15%, we shall be pleased to purchase the complete stock. 
A. price              B. discount      
C. sales volume      D. cost
5.Our illustrated catalogue ___________ shows various types of bathroom fittings and their available sizes.
A. enclosed       B. that enclosed
C. is enclosed       D. which enclosed
6.As soon as we have ___________ your catalogue, we shall contact you by fax. 
A. studied       B. inspected
C. examined       D. researched
7.We are pleased to ___________ your offer and place a trial order with you.
A. make advantage of      B. make use of
C. take advantage of      D. take use of
8.As you failed to make delivery in time, we have no choice ___________ our order with you. 
A. but to cancel      B. but cancel
C. but canceling      D. but cancelled
9.As our factory is now fully occupied with orders, we regret having to ___________ yours. 
A. refuse        B. decline
C. reject        D. return
10.We also wish to advise you that the prices we quoted are our ___________ prices.
A. new        B. cheap
C. rock bottom      D. easiest
11.We thank you for attending ___________ our request so promptly.
A. with        B. upon
C. to         D. at
12.The time of waiting for payment agreed upon by both sides is the period of ___________.   
A. shipment       B. letter of credit
C. draft        D. credit
13.We have been happy to ___________ your credit based on your promise to pay according to our terms.
A. expand       B. prolong
C. extend        D. lengthen
14.___________ the terms of payment as stipulated in the contract, please establish an irrevocable letter of credit in our favor.
A. In fact        B. As a matter of fact
C. In contrast with      D. In accordance with
15.When submitting our quotation, we suggested that the relevant L/C ___________as early as possible.
A. be established      B. establishes
C. is established      D. would be established
16.___________ the unforeseen difficulties on the part of the suppliers, we regret being unable to ship the goods within the time limit of your L/C.
A. Owing to       B. As
C. Because       D. Since
17.Your order will be delivered on October 15 ___________ you requested. 
A. like        B. since
C. as        D. when
18.The insurance shall be ___________ from the time of the engineer’s departure from China up to the time of his arrival in China on return. 
A. effective       B. effecting
C. effect        D. effected
19.Enclosed are sample parts ___________ some of the problem we encountered. 
A. show you       B. showing
C. will show       D. shown
20.Unless otherwise ___________, we wish to take out an All Risks insurance policy for you ___________the shipment. 
A. instructed...in      B. instructions...for
C. instructed...for      D. instruction...on
21.It is apparent that each sample has been subjected ______long periods ___________extreme sunlight.
22.However, based ___________reports from our numerous sources of credit information, we can make shipments ___________you only when cash is received.
23.We regret that we have to complain ___________the way ___________which the consignment just received has been packed.
24.The goods should also be insured ___________breakage ___________your cost.
25.___________receipt of your L/C we shall make shipment immediately.
26.We apologize for the delay in shipment and hope you will understand that it is entirely due ___________the cause ___________our control.
27.The users are ___________urgent need of the machines contracted and are in fact pressing us ___________assurance of an early delivery. 
28.The next direct steamer ___________Shanghai to your port sails ___________the beginning of next month.
29.If the amount exceeds that figure, payment ___________L/C will be required.
30.If our connoisseur coincides ___________our consumers, the attractive designs and the superior quality will surely find a promising market in our local areas.
31.Such a growing demand can only result ___________ increased price.
32.The goods are packed in special waterproof-lined cases and will be loaded _______board S.S. “Dongfang”, which leaves___________ New York on March 10.
33.I have looked_______ your order, and I can assure you that everything is_________ schedule. 
34.Your quoted price is out ___________line with the prevailing level. That is why we feel confident that our suggestion of three percent ___________your present one is workable.
35.Our new low-cost solutions may be___________ particular interest to you.
三、 英漢翻譯(本大題共10小題,每小題2分,共20分)
36.We no longer supply Model SB-95, but we have Model SB-99 in stock, which is better in performance and more favorable in price.
37.Through lengthy and on-and-off negotiations we now finally have reached an agreement.
38.We are a leading importer in surgical instruments and would like for our reference your sending us the latest catalogue, in which we are very much interested.
39.As requested, we are offering 5000 metric tons of soybean subject to your reply reaching here within one week starting from today.
40.Our proposal to cut down the price by 7% is reasonable, or else the buyer is entitled to return the goods and ask for compensation as stipulated in the contract.
41.We regret we can’t accept “Cash against Documents” on arrival of goods at destina



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