國家工信部網(wǎng)站備案實名:湖北自考網(wǎng) 為考生提供湖北自考信息服務,僅供學習交流使用,官方信息以湖北教育考試院為準。
湖北自考在線 湖北學位英語培訓班 湖北成人高考報名 湖北自考視頻免費領取


湖北自考網(wǎng) 來源: 時間:2010-08-23 00:00:00


1. (      ) the delay on the part of the suppliers, we must ask you to extend the date of shipment from July 11th to August 12th.
  A. Owing to                        B. According to
  C. In order to          D. So as to            
2. The buyer made a bid (      ) $600 per ton for peanut meat.
  A. in             B. at      
  C. for                  D. with                
3. So far we (      ) business relations with the firms in more than one hundred countries in the world.
  A. are established            B. have established    
  C. had established            D. shall establish           
4. (      ) the goods under Contract No.1986 are ready for shipment, please rush your L/C with the least possible delay.
  A. If             B. Unless        
  C. Although       D. As            
5. Under separate cover, we have already sent you samples of (      ) sizes of shoes.
  A. varying        B. various
  C. variable       D. variant             
6. We shall be glad to send you the necessary information about our machine tools on (      ).
  A. reply                B. order   
  C. request              D. call                
7. We wish to (      ) that this is the best price we can quote, and therefore any counteroffer from you cannot be considered.
  A. point at       B. point to
  C. point of       D. point out                 
8. We find your price is rather on the high side. We wonder (      ) you can do better in the near future.
  A. if             B. why           
  C. what                 D. as            
9. All the cases are strongly packed ____compliance _____ your request.(      )
 A. for...with           B. in...with
 C. for...in       D. in...for            
10. Please (      ) that the letters of credit are established with the least possible delay.
  A. see to them          B. see them      
  C. see it               D. see                 
11. Can you offer us machine tools with the following (      ).
  A. informations         B. messages      
  C. specifications       D. arrangements        
12. The analysis of the first shipment is not (      ) certified by the China Commodity Inspection Bureau.
  A. satisfy              B. satisfied           
  C. satisfaction         D. satisfactorily        
13. It is in pushing the sale of Chinese toys in your country (      ) we assure you of our cooperation.
  A. that                 B. when          
  C. which                D. where               
14. It is necessary for you to (      ) our shipment instructions.
  A. comply with          B. consist of                
  C. insist on            D. persist in                
15. Because there is no direct steamer from here to your port, we suggest that you accept (      ) at Hong Kong.
  A. transportation       B. transshipment
  C. transformation       D. transmission        
16. Samples and quotations _____favourable prices will be immediately sent to you _____ receipt of your specific enquiry.(      )
  A. at…at              B. upon…upon
  C. at…upon            D. upon…at                 
17. We are glad that in the past few years, we, by joint efforts, (      ) both business and friendship.
  A. have greatly promoted      B. have greatly been promoted
  C. had greatly promoted       D. had greatly been promoted 
18. We regret (      ) that your price for iron nails is out of line with the market here.
  A. to say               B. saying        
  C. said                 D. to be said        &n



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