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湖北自考網(wǎng) 來源: 時間:2005-10-20 00:00:00
Ⅰ。 單項選擇題(每小題2分,共40分)

  Choose the best answer from the choices given:

  1.Helen was much kinder to her youngest child than she was to the other,( ), of course, made the others jealous.

  A. who B. that

  C. what D. which

  2.Mr.Johnson preferred( )heavier work to do.

  A. to be given B. to be giving

  C. to have given D. having given

  3.I remember( )to help us if we ever got into trouble.

  A. once offering B. him once offering

  C. him to offer D. to offer him

  4.In the course of a day students do far more than just( )classes.

  A. attend B. attended

  C. to attend D. attending

  5.How can I imagine Steward ( ) the first in the freestyle swimming race

  A. finish B. to finish

  C. finishing D. finished

  6.Jane wishes that she( )foreign trade instead of literature when she was in college.

  A. did B. would study

  C. had studied D. could study

  7.Eliza is really an expert in dancing ,but( )singing her performance is anything but good.

  A. so long as B. when it comes to

  C. as far as D. as long as

  8.I met her in the street ( )and she told me she was leaving for France next month.

  A. the other day B. in three days

  C. the following day D. the next day

  9.Few of you share my opinion so we have ( )in common to discuss.

  A. a little B. little

  C. nothing D. something

  10.Today is Jane‘s wedding. She( )John.

  A. had just married with B. was just married to

  C. has just been married to D. just has been married to

  11.I am sorry to have begun the meeting before you came. I thought ( )。

  A. you did not come B. you should not come

  C. you were not coming D. you are not coming

  12.—Can you attend the meeting tonight —No,( )the manager about something important.

  A. I see B. I shall have seen

  C. I‘ll be seeing D. I can see

  13.No one is permitted to enter the hall without first( )his identification card.

  A. having to show B. being shown

  C. showing D. having shown

  14.Mark was believed( )the famous novel before we finally met the actual writer.

  A. to write B. to have written

  C. writing D. having written

  15.The question is ( )can be put into practice.

  A. how you have learned B. how what you have learned

  C. that why you have learned D. how that you have learned

  16.—May I borrow the money —( )you pay me back within ten months.

  A. But B. Unless

  C. Since D. For

  17.They had no sooner got on the train( )it pulled out of the station.

  A. when B. than

  C. before D. then

  18.( )I admit that he is a good man, I don‘t mean that he has no weak points .

  A. While B. Suppose

  C. Unless D. Because

  19.I ( )the truth of your remarks, although they go against my interests.

  A. can not help but admitting B. can not help but admit

  C. can not help but to admit D. can not help but to admitting

  20.Three hundred pounds ( )really a large sum for him, who has just left school.

  A. is B. are

  C. was D. were

 ?、?。 填空題(每小題1分,共20分)

  Fill in the blanks according to the instructions:

  Fill in the blanks with the appropriate form of the verb given:

  21.I should have worked harder, or I__________(pass)the examination.

  22.There is not much point__________(argue) any further.

  23.I‘ve heard the book __________(condemn)many times.

  24.It seems that you are beginning__________(understand) my point.

  25.Having lost all his money, Mark had no choice but__________(ask) the police for help.

  26.The family__________(be) at table when he arrived.

  27.It‘s high time you __________(start) to think about your chances of landing a good job after graduation.

  28.I__________(want) to send you a message by E-mail but my computer broke down.

  Fill in the blanks with an appropriate coordinator or subordinator:

  29.They became more and more amused at__________ he was doing to the dog.

  30.Work harder, __________you will never pass the comprehensive examination.

  31.You are to finish your homework __________you can watch TV.

  32.You didn‘t need to carry the parcel home__________ the shop has delivery service.

  33.John was so disappointed when Susan turned down his proposal __________he remained single for the rest of his life.

  34.He is such a sound sleeper__________ you wouldn‘t wake him up even if you remove the bed.

  35.They didn‘t know __________they would arrive there on time.

  36.I was going to finish the novel last night,__________ I was just too tired.

  37.He was about to tell the truth __________they killed him.

  Fill in the blanks with an appropriate preposition:

  38.Clay pots must have some protection __________severe weather.

  39.Such problems have to be accounted __________in political terms.

  40.His life is __________stake.


  Correct errors in the following sentences:

  41.It was last night when Pat released the president‘s illness to the reporters.

  42.His fondness of collecting stamps was such that nearly half his income went into this hobby.

  43.What were believed to be aliens from the outer space were actually several sheep going astray.

  44.Where she was at the time of the murder was of major concern to the police that is investigating the case.

  45.He found it annoyed that his neighbor kept calling him by the wrong name.

  46.She kept depressed until he advised her seeing a doctor.

  47.She asked her students a question. Every gave her a different answer.

  48.Not until 1868 was when Atlanta made the capital of the state of Georgia.

  49.Five minutes earlier, but we could have caught the last train.

  50.Paul suggested that they meet in the front of the school gate at one o‘clock on Friday afternoon.

  Ⅳ。 改寫句子(每小題2分,共20分)

  Rewrite the following sentences as required.

  51.Reinforce the negation in the following sentence as required:

  I haven‘t seen such a swarm of ants.(never in all one’s life)

  52.Rewrite the following sentence by adding an appropriate tag question:

  They must all have taken the wrong road.

  53.Turn the following sentence into an exclamation:

  They are running fast.

  54.Turn the following sentence into the passive, using by-phrase if necessary:

  Don‘t try to expect them to reward you with the money they promised.

  55.Rephrase the following sentence using modal auxiliaries:

  The Bulls were probably not well prepared for the third game of the 1997 NBA final.

  56.Combine sentences using coordination:

  On his way up the hill Jack fell down. He hurt his hands and knees .Jimmy got to the top all right.

  57.Combine sentences using subordination:

  He came out of the Conference Room. Reporters surrounded him.

  58.Combine sentences using a relative clause:

  She was dancing with a student .He had a slight limp.

  59.Write counter-factual conditionals based on th



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