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湖北自考網(wǎng) 來源: 時間:2005-10-20 00:00:00

 ?、?。Directions: Add the affix to each word according to the given Chinese, making changes when necessary (10%)

  1.custom 合乎風(fēng)俗習(xí)慣的 1._____________________________

  2.plausible 難以置信的 2. _____________________________

  3.guarantee 保證人 3._____________________________

  4.routine 通常地 4._____________________________

  5.sphere 半球 5._____________________________

  6.wilder 使迷惑 6._____________________________

  7.discriminate 不分青紅皂白的 7._____________________________

  8.symbol 作為……的象征 8._____________________________

  9.foam 泡沫似的 9._____________________________

  10.convey 輸送(n.) 10. _____________________________

 ?、颉irections: Fill in the blanks, each using one of the given words or phrases below in its proper form. (10%)

  bind up an array of give off focus on draw on

  reach out suck up account for after all rest on

  11.As the blood passes through the lungs it __________its excess nitrogen.

  12.A near-sighted person cannot _____________accurately __________distant objects.

  13.There was practically no experience to ______________in the building of such structures.

  14.Mathematics _______________closely ____________the problems of real life today.

  15.He was unable to escape _______________proofs.

  16.___________, to the physicist, metal physics is but a small branch of the wider field of solid-state physics .

  17.The vacuum cleaner _____________moisture from the carpet.

  18.Only the most sophisticated theories of modern physics can ___________this phenomenon.

  19.Newton‘s laws ________________a very solid base of experimental evidence.

  20……The child _________a hand towards the apple.

 ?、?。Directions: Fill in each blank with a suitable word given below. (10%)

  it about forward though noticed on in that suggested related

  The last decade has brought 21 a revolution in our understanding of the earth and the forces that shape 22 . Centuries ago geographers 23 that the continents of Africa and South America appear to fit together like a jig-saw puzzle. In 1620 Sir Francis Bacon speculated that their similarity of shorelines could not be an accident 24 he did not consider actual movement. During the 1800s there were discoveries of identical fossils and rock layers 25 the two continents. In 1912 the German meteorologist Wegener put 26 the hypothesis 27 all the continents of the earth have moved, 28 the grounds that they all seem to fit together like a jig-saw puzzle. He 29 that the movement was the result of forces 30 to the spin of the earth.

  21. ____________ 22. ____________ 23. ____________ 24. ___________ 25.____________

  26. ____________ 27._____________ 28.____________ 29.____________ 30. ___________


 ?、?。Directions: Translate the following sentences into English, each using one of the given words or phrases below. (10%)

  blur allot overall no wonder a spectrum of






 ?、酢irections: Translate the following paragraphs into Chinese. (15%)

  36. Between the distant quasars and the stars of the Sun‘s neighborhood lies a vast middle ground where the architecture of the cosmos stands in full display. Far from scattering at random as astronomers once surmised, galaxies tend to congregate, as people do. Moreover, their congregations also congregate, and so on. These vast clouds of organization-in which galaxies behave like swarming dust motes-have taught astronomers that there’s much more to the universe than meets the eye. An astronomer can examine a galaxy and from its brightness make a guess as to how many stars and how much dusty gas it contains. Yet when we track the movements of galaxies in a self-contained cluster, they move as if each galaxy were far heavier than it appears. It‘s like watching go-carts move as unstoppably as trucks. What is this mass that looms invisibly among the bright lights of the galaxies  No one knows.

  _______________________________________________________________________________PART C: READING COMPREHENSION

 ?、?。Directions: Read through the following passages. Choose the best answer and put the letter in the bracket. (20%)

  Sulfur dioxide, a colorless and odorless gas in typical outdoor concentrations, is formed naturally through biological decay and volcanic eruptions. Sulfur dioxide becomes most dangerous to people when, clinging to small particulates (顆粒狀物), it is carried into the lungs. When this happens, as it did in the deadly incident of the mid-1900s, it may kill or incapacitate sensitive individuals such as the very young or very old or those with serious preexisting heart or lung problems. It can also cause increased illness in normally healthy people.

  Particulates have both natural and man-made sources. Natural sources include the sea, volcanoes, forest fires, and wind blown silt. Important man-made sources include incenerators, manufacturing and industrial processes, fossil-fueled power plants, mining and materials processing, the internal combustion engine, and agricultural activities. On a global scale, natural emissions of particulates far exceed man-made emissions, but man-made emissions are predominant in industrialized or urban areas.

  The health effects of particulates depend on their size and composition. The larger particulates are usually filtered out in the nose and throat and rapidly cleared from the body. Smaller particulates may be carried deeper into the lungs. Particulates reaching sensitive deep lung areas are considered relatively more important for health purposes. Welfare effects caused by particulates have to do with soiling clothes and surfaces, and in combination with some gases, such as sulfur dioxide, corroding materials.

  Acid rain, or more accurately, acidic deposition (which refers to both wet and dry deposition of acidifying compounds), is one of the most controversial and important environmental issues of the day. It is the subject of both international concern and worldwide research.

  The principal causes of high rainfall acidity are sulfuric, nitric, and hydrochloric acids. The major man-made sources of pollutants that cause these acids are fossil-fueled utility and industrial boilers and the internal combustion engine. Proposed efforts to control man‘s contributions to acid rain concentrate on controlling these acidifying pollutants, especially sulfur dioxide.

  Acidity is measured using a logarithmic scale of 0 to 14 called the pH scale. On this scale, a neutral substance has a pH of 7. An acidic substance, like vinegar, has pH value less than 7. An alkaline or basic substance (堿性物質(zhì)), like baking soda, has a pH value higher than 7. Theoretically, pure rainfall has a pH of 5.6 and is acidic because the water has combined with carbon dioxide in the air to form weak carbonic acid. Rain with a lower pH than 5.6 is called acid rain. Recent evidence suggests that natural rain (in the absence of man-made pollution) is several times more acidic than previously thought. In several remote areas of the globe, rainfall pHs of 4.5 to 5.0 are routinely encountered. Some scientists suggest that these low pH values indicate the global extent of the acid rain problem.




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